Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Opinion: Changes

Change is a part of life and just like in life NASCAR occurs changes as well, especially in the past few years. This year is no different with the introduction of Toyota into the sport and the unveiling of the "car of tomorrow". I think this will be a perfect discussion to open up the 2007 season.

Welcome the Toyota Camry.....

The introduction of Toyota into the sport has made every Chevrolet loving redneck's head explode. At first (like any new concept) my opinion was a little skeptical of letting them into the sport, but the question I pose is, "What is made in America?" Most of the arguments for this state "Toyota is not American", but then again, how many Chevrolet parts or cars are actually made in America compared to Toyota (look that one up and you will be surprised)? Toyota's that are sold in this country are made in this country, so what is the problem. "Well, Toyota was started and is based in Japan." That is true but Domino's, Burger King and McDonald's can be found in almost every country in the world and they were founded here. Plus, there are American companies sponsoring National sporting events (ex: Australian Open and General Electric, GE) and no one is complaining about that.

"Car of Tomorrow"

I have been around the car of tomorrow and let me be is ugly. It looks like a sea creature (including the teeth), and it goes around the track like a block. Many drivers have sounded off in displeasure of the final outcome. What do you think? I'm not going to give my final opinion yet, because its purpose is to make racing more exciting, so if it does that, then I can deal with its sea creature look.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

2007 NASCAR Season Speeding Up

Testing has started at Daytona in anticipation of the 2007 season opener. This season is sure to bring plenty of changes and drama, including the introduction of Toyota and the phasing in of the car of tomorrow. We will also see plenty of new teams with new faces. Look for more information and press releases as the season gets closer.