Friday, September 07, 2007

Oh My!! Will We See Another Upset??

Ok, I was off on my picks from last week, but was close on a few. One thing was for was a crazy first weekend and I expect nothing less in week two.

Week One: What I Expected and Well, Didn't!

I expected that Ole Miss and Memphis would play another close game - so with that - it's going to be another long disappointing year for Reb Fans.

Now...I knew MS State would lose to LSU but I predicted that it would be closer..and that the Bullduggs would at least score a damn field luck. Poor QB for State....I think him and Coach Carr (Michigan Coach) are a match made in misery. On the other hand, all the free gifts from Henig didn't really show if LSU will be a legitimate threat to win it all this year, but this weekend at VA Tech could be the sign if the Bayou Bengals are fo' real.

Now...the Michigan loss was embarrassing - even though App. State is a powerhouse in D-II..they should not beat the 5th ranked team in the nation...sad...but excited to see the little man kick the big bad wolf in the junk. I say..if Lloyd Carr does not win 10 games and beat MI...he will be looking for a new team (I heard MS State could be open).

My Thoughts

Southern Miss looked a little sloppy - we ran good but did not show much in the passing game. They cannot play like this against Tennessee or it will be embarrassing - not to mention - orange nation is pissed after getting donkey stomped by the boys from Cally.

  • Alabama looked good - if only against a scrub - Vandy will be more of test. A bit.

  • GA Tech also looked good..I mean, they sacked every QB Notre Dame had...twice.

  • Good News: Miami hasn't fought anyone yet & they beat down a sad looking Marshall..bad news...they play Oklahoma this weekend.


Blogger Josh Harris said...

Upset this week will be Miami over Oklahoma. I'm calling it now.

If Henig is the starting QB for MSU all season, we may not win 3 games this year. We have to beat Tulane and beat them pretty easily for this team to actually be "improved."

I will say that MSU looked much better in many areas - offensive line, defense, running game; however the final score did not show that. Even though the defense gave up 45 points, they were put in bad situations due to turnovers on offense and short field situations, something you can't give a team like LSU and not expect to get blown out.

I think it can still be a good year for MSU and am glad that the JC QB that was suspended is now available. I have a feeling he will play on Saturday or at least that is my hope.

USM looked pretty good in their win and the next test will be Boise State, I believe. That would be a big win for them.

Ole Miss escaped Memphis after jumping to a first half lead and then holding on. Can't say much since they did win. However, after seeing Dan Werner at Miami and now Ole Miss, he still has not figured out how to make any halftime adjustments. Ole Miss just better hope that they jump out to good first half leads and hang on, or that opposing defensive coordinators can't make halftime adjustments b/c I've seen enough proof that Werner is not good at making his own adjustments at halftime.

I'm loving college football season and glad its back. I know most of you could care less about Miami, etc, but if you want to read a good story about Randy Shannon, UM's new head coach, then go to Sports Illustrated's website and you should find it on there. It's a bit lengthy, but gives great insight into why Shannon is probably the best candidate for the Miami job.

For week two all I gotta say is GO CANES and GO DAWGS!!

4:05 PM  
Blogger Josh Harris said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Josh Harris said...

I meant to say Southern's next test would be Tennessee, not Boise, that is later in the year.

If they can knock off the Vols, it could be the start of a good year in the Burg.

7:15 AM  
Blogger 4thsteagle said...

Rough go for both our Eagles and Canes. For us it was the same ol story - strong in the first half, suck in the second. It's like Bower just wants to have a good showing.

8:40 AM  
Blogger boc3 said...

anyone know the name of a store that sells APP STATE gear? I'm dieing to hop on the bandwagon! So comments on the weekend anyone? I was very impressed with the progression of Jeremy Young. I know UT's defense isn't the best but he had some really nice plays. If Johnson would do something with the punts other than waive for a fair catch it would have made things a lil more exciting for USM. He never even tried. The 11 starters on defense really impressed me this weekend. They fly to the ball and are good tacklers...more than I can say for UT's defense. 2nd half play calling was kind of a let down...well not so much 2nd half. It was more 3rd down plays that i really thought they should have given J. Young more run/pass options.

6:49 PM  
Blogger boc3 said...

other games of interest...VTech obviously is not a top 10 or maybe even top 25 team after the poor offensive showings against ECU and LSU. Don't get me wrong, LSU is playing as well as anyone in the country, but VTech is acting like the letters on their helmets and jerseys will win games for them. Nation wide recruiting is too strong for the "traditional powers" to just show up and expect to win. (just ask Miami) Bad O-line play and bad QB play could put them out of the ACC hunt very quickly.

Nebraska, what are yall doin? I've been listening to talk show after talk show on the radio. Husker fans are really laying the smack on about how they will beat the Trojans this year. Wake Forest might be the reigning ACC champ but COME ON! You can't struggle that badly with them and then expect to beat down on USC. Hopefully you were just avoiding showing your hand and keeping things plain and will pull out the big guns agains southern cal.! where do I start? This was the redemption game. They get Oregon at home and have a chance to start over. They played a team with the spread the week before. Should have been a tune-up for you but they lost. But at least this weekend they should have known exactly what schemes worked and could make a great showing to keep Carr's head above the water. The statue of liberty is one thing, but when teams are running the fake statue of liberty!! The Ducks were nice not to hang 50 on them.

Notre Dame, I'm sorry if I get too much enjoyment out of this one. If Michigan and the Irish weren't playing each other, they would both start 0-3 and I could smile for another week. Seriously...if anyone hears about APP STATE gear I want it! I haven't heard about the status of Chad Henne yet but it would be a match up of 2 top freshmen recruits if Mallett and Clausen are the starters this weekend. Clausen surely will throw his first collegiate touchdown this weekend right?

7:27 PM  
Blogger 4thsteagle said...

BOC - it should be interesting to see who will win Notre Dame against MI, or who will score. Watch it be a barn burner with a high score. I'm interested in watching Louisville v. Kentucky; both are averaging 50 points a game - with defenses that are not as good.

Jeremy Young may be playing better but the secondary was getting their ass handed to them by really only one reciever - 21, the little white guy.

8:32 PM  
Blogger 4thsteagle said...

Oh yea, Sorry Josh - I think you missed the upset of the week.

8:32 PM  

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