Friday, June 29, 2007

Oh Yea, College Football

I'm sure everyone is aware of what sport will be here soon - College Football. Maybe someone can enlighten me on what stupid bumper sticker Ole Miss has come up with this year. It's seems like they have somethings each season, only to be disappointed when they end up sucking. I have a feeling it will be "Ben Jarvis-Green-Ellis for Heisman" (what a mouth full). I wonder why MS State has not produced an Omar Connor for Heisman? Oh, thats right, ha.

At least the state has one bowl team every year. On to another subject - anyone watch WWE lately?


Blogger Josh Harris said...

Is it just me or is the guy's head backwards in that picture?

I'm ready for college football and after spending a year in the Northeast, I'm almost more excited to be back in the South. Hockey is the big sport up here and you just can't get any better than college football season.

I don't think State will be making any bumper stickers anytime soon, unless they involve "Fire Croom". I think the natives are getting wrestless in Starkvegas and this is Croom's year to somehow win 6 games. With a new Athletic Director starting July 1 next year, I don't think Croom will stick around too much longer if he can't get above 3 or 4 wins. That will be 4 seasons in a row of terrible football, on top of the last 3 terrible years when Jackie was there.

Ole Miss, you never know what Coach O will do. I don't think the guy really can coach, but that's just my opinion. He can recruit, but nothing has shown me a coaching ability.

USM, the buzzards down south, have the best football program in the state right now and have for a while. Although I would like to see how State or Ole Miss would do in Conference USA. Not putting down USM by any means, just would like to see it as a comparison to know truly how bad the other two teams are.

Sad sad thing on Benoit. You just never know about people and I have a feeling that he was heavy into steroids. I think within the next year you will have some serious investigation into the WWE. No way he was truly passing drug tests if he was being prescribed 10 month supplies every 3 to 4 weeks. That just doesn't make sense. Ole Vince is probably shakin' in his boots right now.

That's all from me. Hope this blog picks back up after being dormant for the better part of the year.

For football season, I have two wishes. 1)MSU wins 6 games and goes to a bowl, I don't care if it's the Weedeater Bowl, just any bowl will be fine. 2)I hope the Miami Hurricanes can win at least 10 games and not get involved in any brawls!


2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GO CANES!!!????????
Josh..... I know you aren't rooting for those convicts?

Ole Miss will be way down again this year. But hey they'll beat Memphis and .... hmmm... maybe SCLSU. (GaYtOrAdE!!!!) They'll talk big after destroying 98th ranked Memphis, then drop the next 5 or so in a row. The Rebels will not win a single SEC game this year even though they had an allstar recruiting class, or so i'm told.

MSU's Croom won't be able to find a way to win in the SEC. He doesn't know how to cheat, yet. Jackie needs to be rehired as a consultant.
MSU opens against LSU!!!! ouch.
So much for working out the kinks. At least it's the bulldogs year to win the egg bowl. 1 SEC win by way of the boiled egg bowl. Hey somebody has to win!

USM opens up with a push over. They'll roll over UT-Martin by 40 points. I hope they'll pull out the win at Boise State & upset UT. Then hopefully they'll play like they should in C-USA. It doesn't get any better than this. The table is set, it's up to Bower to play his cards right. A 13 - 0 season with a BCS game isn't that hard to imagine, but 11-2 and the Liberty Bowl is more realistic. Another New Orleans Bowl, Houston Bowl, or GMAC Bowl and Bower might be able to take the same bus as coach O, and Croom outta town.

10:16 PM  
Blogger mdwelch11 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:05 PM  
Blogger mdwelch11 said...

The joke around town about MS State is that they should fire Croom and hire Michael Vick at least he knows how to get dogs to fight, kinda of a lame joke but the first time I heard it I could help but laugh.

I hope Southern does upset Tennessee I will at least be able to respect a little more. I am tired of hearing Ole Miss is scared to play Southern. State is scared to play Southern. Half of the students that go to Ole Miss could care less if we played you guys or not unless you are from MS most of the students have never heard of Southern. So unless you played in the SEC or we got moved the Conference USA, which I think might give us a chance at wining 6 games every year. If Ole Miss and Southern played it wouldnt make jefferson Piolt sports no one would care except Southern fans.

I did notice that "The Rock" was finally getting sky boxes, thats pretty cool.

Josh i dont blame you for rooting for Miami, I almost want to go to Texas or Florida to get my masters so I can legitimately root for a good football team.

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey we wouldn't care to play you either if the rolls were reversed. SEC money flowing... why play a good team out of conference and lose. Really I understand. But one thing is for certain..... we would not be scared. ;-)

8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brock the circle-jerk boys were singing "Don't stop believing" and that's what Alabama fans are doing. They think they will win a championship every year. News flash--not this year. To the defense of the Capstone graduates, its not them who give Alabama fans a bad name. It is the rednecks in this part of the country and, or the ones who never went to school there. They do have one of the best college football coaches (and the most expensive) in football, but this year he may go 8-4 or 9-3. Eventually, he will have that program back to a national power.
Last year, Auburn's shirts for the Iron Bowl game said "fear the thumb," meaning they have beat U of A 5 in a row. THis year it may say, "make it six, one for the..." They have a proven RB in Lester who backed up Irons last year. Cox has experience, but one of the biggest questions is a relatively young receiving corp, who i believe are unproven. Defense is also inexperienced ovarall and may have some letdowns over previous years.
Coach O can definitely recruit. However, like u all have said, he can't coach and he sure as hell can't speak. They still do not know what to do with their savior, Schaeffer. Is he gonna be a receiver or a QB. Do they actually think he is Matt Jones. If they will block BJG-E should have a big year. Still waiting on NCAA to see what is up for Powe and Strong, two vital members of a defense, who without their best player from last year, Willis, desparately need them. Outcome..another down year.
Next on my hitlist are the little Bullies. Yes, Croom has to do something this year. His time is running out. Nice guy for football, however, nice guys do finish last. Offensive backfield should produce this year. They have several qualified RBs with Dixon being the workhorse. Their O-line should provide holes for Dixon to run through, and protection for Henig. He must step up, now since he is the only experienced QB, now that the back-up is suspended after a DUI arrest. Defense is gonna be soft again this year, but all in all, The bulldogs should improve on previous years records.
The SEC this year has several potential champions, none of those coming from AL or MS, i think. LSU is gonna be a power, FL has obvious potential, but don't think they will repeat. However, You gotta love some Tim Tebow. He should impress again this year. GA is going to be tough. AR, with two beasts, McFadden and Felix Jones They will produce. It just sucks for them their starting QB, Mustain, sold them out. TN is going to be good, with a lot of returning starters. South Carolina with a lot of USMs former coaches and the Ole Head Ball coach himself will have them at the top of the SEC if not this year, shortly coming. Last but not least. Kentucky is going to surprise some teams this year. Mark my word.
MY BOYS---THE University of Southern Mississippi. Who knows what team will show up this year. We have a proven RB in Fletcher, with a great back-up in Harrison, and hopefully a standout in Easterling, if the NCAA clears him. Young will be better and has a few quality targets to hit. How many members of the O-line are gonna lose, and can the ones we have stay healthy. Thats the biggest question on O. The defense should be stout. Moved Sumrall to the corner this year. One thing for certain the Eagles D will be soaring to the ball with their many different looks and formations. I am looking forward to going to Neyland Stadium and hearing Rocky Top play. Hopefully, it will only be once or twice. We have never faired well on the blue turf in Boise, maybe this year is different. My prediction...10-2.

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

11:00 AM  

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