Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's time to make your prediction of your teams and since we have a variety of people on here with different teams, I decided to put them all:

Southern Miss 8-4

Look I love to think this is the year, and while we will still be the only team in State to go to a Bowel game, Southern Miss and Bower will still be unable to live up (I'm hope I'm wrong). We may surprise either TN or Boise (most likely Boise) but we will disappoint by dropping one or two in C-USA that we should not and end going to Mobile or Birmingham for a Bowel (yet again I'm hope I'm wrong). The teams weakness: Offensive Line. Strength: Defense & Running Game

MS State 6-6

Each year there getting better, slowly. So, I expect to see them win more than last year.

Ole Miss 4-8

The Good News: Coach O can recruit the hell out of some players. The Bad News: He can't coach. They keep getting talent and it's going to be interesting to see if they can put anything together on the field.

Alabama 7-5

It's Alabama and their in a SEC West that (in my opinion) will be up in the air. Yes, their young but they are talented and I expect to see those two RB from MS (Grant & Johns) make some noise.

Tennessee 8-4

It's sad that they in the East of the SEC - it's a tough road on that side with them beating up on each other throughout the season.

Miami 8-4

Miami always has the talent and I think the new coach will have their head on playing and not fighting this year.

A Few Others:

Texas: 10-2
USC: 11-1 (watch out for UCLA)
LSU: 8-4
Auburn: 9-3 (win the west)
Florida: 9-3
Louisville: 10-2
West Virginia: 9-3
South Carolina: 9-3 (may surprise)
Notre Dame: 7-5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to put up a title on this thread.

My 2 cents:

USM will show up this year. I think it's being considered a mediocre year by most fans. That's what has me saying they'll do better than normal. Usually the same old koolade drinkers are spitting praise, but they seem more reserved this year. We have a weak a$$ schedule aside from UT & B State. There isn't anybody else that i'm worried about except for maybe Memphis. But that will be answered when they play Ole miss at the beginning of the season. These eagles have 3 young RB's that are serious playmakers. Everybody knows what Fletcher can do.... Even our wicked step sisters to the north. But soon they'll know how deep we are at a position that was VERY shallow last year after the Florida game.

MSU - The bulldawgs have nowhere to go but up. I can't see them winning but 3 to 4 games this season. And those are big ifs. Probably Tulane, Maybe UAB, and surley that junior high school that they have on the schedule: Margret Bethany or something like that. The name eludes me because this is the first time i've heard of it. And last the Egg Bowl or Bowel as Brock calls it. Its MSU's year to win that "game." So if they win it and all the others they should, it'll give them a grand total of 4 wins! Almost a winning season! After this 3-4 win season Crooms will feel some heat to produce in the future. I hear the In the Heat of the Night Theme playing.

Ole Miss..... hmmm. Coach O is a great recruiter. I keep hearing that over and over. He got in some guys like Powe. Terrific athlete that can't even spell football. Hell he hasn't played football since 2004!!!! It took him 3 freakin extra years to graduate high school!!!! geeeeez man! TA... TA... TA.... TODAY JUNIOR! hehehehe <----Quote from Billy Madison. Several of this type made it into UM this year. While we all know it happens at all our schools, ole miss is just about to get as good at it as Alabama. The Rebels are still looking for a place to stick Schaffer. <---don't know how to spell it. Is it like the beer? That's not a classy enough beer for you OM guys eh? Rolling Rock, Lebat Blue? maybe? Oh well... OM will win one game they shouldn't in the SEC due to some uneligable guys getting in anyway. But they still fall in a heart breaker against MSU. It'll be a thrilla... 31-17 MSU

Alabama - Tide fans. Get over it. Football runs in cycles. It's not your time, yet. 2-4 years and you'll be playin for a championship again. Right now those GAYtors down in Florida have everybodys number. They have Tim Tebow. (rolling my eyes) This will be a good year with maybe even a lower tier bowl game. Maybe even against us. Man I hope you don't bring the refs. All we ever go to is low teir bowl games.

UofL - They will win the Big East.
Enough said. "We should have followed there lead."
I preached that same message a couple of years ago to everyone that would listen. Back when they were in C-USA.
We use C-USA as a Hammock. They used it as a trampoline. (Eyes rollin agian.)

LSU - Always strong, we'll get another good look at that when they play MSU. LSU will jump on MSU looking like Steven Segal on Barry Bonds vitamins.

USC - will do exactly what they are supposed to do in that weak A$$ BCS conference. They are so far away I don't care to even waste anymore time on them.

Canes - well after being bailed out of jail by their new coach these guys will have about a 6 or 7 win season. I just don't believe they'll have that team spirit or unity.
It's a team..... and after what i saw last year, i just can't believe those guys will ever change. they need to just reload that entire roster. Hey new coach show those guys your steel toe: Las Botas!

The Florida State Criminals - another down year. Bowden shows his age.

Tenessee Hollerin' Queers - I hope they win alot of games. Just not the one against us.

10:01 PM  
Blogger 4thsteagle said...

Yea, Bowl. Oh thats right, and I write on sports for a living, ha.

This one is for Cordes.
What about Ga Tech?

They will go a good 6-6, (if it was Dungeon & Dragons or building a super computer they would go to the National Championship every year - against MIT)but they lost a lot after last season and it will be tough to make a run in the ACC but ya never know.

At least they can be happy knowing that they have the hotest chicks on campus(laughing).

11:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

southern miss shouldnt lose more than 2 games period. And maybe their only lose comes to Tennessee

croom will be on the hot seat after this year. States schedule is not very easy, there is only one guaranteed win on thier schedule and that is Garner -Webb, there are a few toss up games but wow, looks like another long year

3) LSU
at Tulane
at (9) Auburn
at South Carolina
(25) Tennessee
at (10) West Virginia
at Kentucky
10 Alabama
at (15) Arkansas

8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah the best state can do is win three games..... ouch that schedule sucks.

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess garner-webb is the gimmie game for the West Virginia loss that will happen later in the season.

If USM doesn't shine this year......... they never will.

7:45 AM  
Blogger boc3 said...

MS State could go 6-6...that's barring any injuries and if EVERYTHING goes their way. Tulane, Garner-Webb, UAB, Ole Miss are 4 very possible wins. 4 others that will be closer than expected and if state could win 2 of the 4...alabama, kentucky, south carolina, tennessee. This is of course like i mentioned case scenario. what i think will really happen...4-8

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking three wins. Maybe even as bad as 2. UAB will be good this year. New coach, and higher expectations. MSU will over look them, but not Tulane. Garner Webb is a win. Maybe Kentucky, where do they play them at?

7:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Birdpoo, State plays Kentucky away. Kentucky should be good they have a 1st team all SEC quarterback and tight end, then they have 3 all SEC 2nd team players according to rivals .com, this is not the year State needs to play them to count it as a win.

I'm telling everyone State and Ole Miss are both going to have a tough time winning more 4 games.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I just know that I am jacked up for the first weekend of football.

8:59 PM  
Blogger 4thsteagle said...

I was definitely giving them the benefit of the doubt - they are more likely to win 3 or 4 games.

7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MS State will NOT beat bama this year...may not for a long time to come either. You had your game last year with a pitifully coached shula team. Those days are gone. We've won 70 games against state and lost only 16. Go find another coach to "croom." How about the great pumpkin up in tenn?

9:13 AM  
Blogger boc3 said...

I'm happy for bama fans who think they have found their savior. All praise be to the guy who went 34-24 in that "brutal" big 10...and has a 3-6 career bowl game record. An incredible recruiter at LSU to pull all those in-state athletes away from the likes of Tulane, Louisiana Lafayette, La Monroe, La Tech. An eye for talent to pass up Drew Brees and get Donte Culpepper as quarterback for Miami.

And in case yall missed these headlines a while back..Saban was referred to as a "liar," by ESPN's Pat Forde and "shameless" by the Chicago Sun-Times. When asked whether Saban was "a raging fraud", Hall of Fame coach Don Shula responded, "What other conclusion can you draw? The guy likes to hear himself talk and then doesn't follow up on what he says."

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, you've jumped on the saban bashing train huh? Since you like to show stats, how about 2 SEC championships and a national championship in 4 years. Not too bad for a coach who went 34-24 in the big 10 at his previous job. Would'nt you like a coach with those kinds of stats at your school? You cant even come close to that. Maybe thats why you are bashing him. At bama, we like to have coaches who can win the big ones. Speaking of an eye for talent. How about pulling Jamarcus Russell from Mobile? Wasnt he just the 1st pick in the draft? Dont think he didnt steal him from bama. Ive got pix to prove he grew up a bama fan. Id say his eye for talent is awesome. He knows what he likes and goes out and get them. We get lots of talent from the state of MS. Why dont those kids stay in state? WHY WOULD THEY? And as far as Daddy Don Shula's comments go, if your son was fired from a job that he didnt deserve in the first place and the man that took his job came from your beloved organization, wouldnt you be a little sour too? Saben left Miami for bama. BIG DEAL. He didnt do that till after his season at miami ended. He didnt even talk to bama before miami's season ended. That makes him a shameless liar? I think not. Have you ever left one job for another? I bet you didnt think you were a shameless liar after you left, did you?

As far as someone wanting to hear themselves talk, isnt that what you are doing here bashing Nick for no apparent reason. You must just love to see your opinion written out on this blog

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just realized i was talking to a vol. No wonder! You enjoy having the great pumpkin as a coach. Speaking of a shameless liar, didnt he stab Majors in the back just to get the job in the first place

11:30 AM  
Blogger boc3 said...

I actually do like seeing my opinion written's mine, why shouldn't I? Yeah, you figured me out. I love UT but doesn't mean I am Fulmer's biggest fan. He's too conservative for me and I thought him throwing Randy Sanders (OC) under the bus for a 5-6 season was pretty shady. It all worked out though cuz Sanders is a better fit at Kentucky and Cutcliff needed a stepping stool to get back available for a head job in the next 3 or 4 years. where was i...oh yeah, stats. back to back SEC champs 1997 and 1998. 1998 national champs. career record of 137-41.

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fulmer is fat. Have you seen how fat he is on Xbox NCAA football? He be lookin like Humpty Dumpty.

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

boc3, i apoligize. i thought you were one of the mississippi school dudes on here. Thats where my "Would'nt you like a coach with those kinds of stats at your school" comment came from. I respect Fulmers record at UT. Cant stand him or you guys but he did know how to coach. I think he may be getting soft though (no pun intended).

10:31 PM  
Blogger 4thsteagle said...

TN will continue to win 9 to 10 games and pull in strong recruits. Ole Miss goofed up when they let Cutcliff go..I mean he had one bad year & that's after they lost Eli.

Now their stuck with Coach "you wanna see my O-O-O face"

Saban, Saban, Saban - just not sure - I'm interested to see how this goes for Bama. He's skittish, so you never know when he will bounce, that's for sure.

9:06 PM  
Blogger 4thsteagle said...

None of you SEC yahoo's are mentioning "WAR EAGLE"!!

9:07 PM  
Blogger boc3 said...

for those who haven't heard:

"At approximately 2 a.m. this morning, officers arrested Simeon Castille for disorderly conduct, a class C misdemeanor, at the 1300 block of University Boulevard," Tuscaloosa Police Department public information officer Capt. Greg Kosloff told BOL Sunday morning. "He bonded out on a five hundred dollar bond. The case will be turned over to the municipal court and the case continues to be under investigation."

5:49 PM  
Blogger boc3 said...

for those who haven't heard:

Back up QB Josh Riddell was suspended from MS State indefinitely for violation of team rules. I did hear that 20 students in starkville received DUI's this weekend. Guess things are beginning to crank up around college campuses. Not sure if Riddell was one of the guilty ones but it's a possibility.

5:53 PM  
Blogger boc3 said...

QB issues at Ole Miss:

Numbers from this weekend's scrimmage. Adams 4 of 12, Schaeffer 1 of 6, Herrick 4 of 11

Schaeffer's 1 completion was a 40 yd TD.

5:58 PM  
Blogger 4thsteagle said...

Ha, looks like a QB question mark at OM.

8:31 PM  

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